Angelo Bellobono

Angelo Bellobono was born in Nettuno (Rome) in 1964. He lives and works in Rome.
Bellobono paints atmospheres and suspended stories that investigate the relationship between anthropology, geology, identity and borders. Ice and mountains are matters of his work. The ice represents a memory archive of the planet, while the mountains are seen as connecting bridges. He has made several interdisciplinary projects in which art, sport and biosustainability become instruments of social connectivity.
He participated in the XV Quadriennale of Rome, IV and V Marrakech Biennial.
He has been included in the Grand tour d’Italie by Mibact. He won the Celeste Prize for Painting and the Artslant Drawing award. He was invited to the Martedì Critici, Tedx talk and to various residency programs such as Bocs Cosenza, Landina Omegna, Lac or Le Mon San Cesario.

Solo exhibitions (selection): Linea Appennino 1201, AlbumArte, Rome, 2019; Paesaggi difficili, MARS, Milan, 2018; Continuità di confine, Museo dell’Università di Campobasso, Campobasso, 2017; Moving Borders, Cappella Tremlett – Palazzo Re Enzo, Bologna, 2016; Before me and after my time, E.R. Butler & Co., New York, 2014; The age of decentralization, project for the V Marrakech Biennale, 2014; IV Marrakech Biennale, Esav, Marrakech, 2012; And then there was the ice, Wunderkammern Gallery, Rome, 2011; Tutte le lune del mondo, Space Metropoliz, Rome, 2011; About freedom, Whitelabs Gallery, Milan, 2011; Eastside - The journey, Biasa Artspace, Semyniak (Indonesia), 2010; Low Life Wellbeing Center, Changing Role Gallery, Naples, 2009; Lower east life, Envoy Gallery, New York, 2009; Chist’ è o’ paese d’o’ sole, Fondazione Volume L’Union, Rome, 2008; Temporary Civilization, Il Sole artecontemporanea Gallery, Rome, 2006; Futuro Presente Primordiale, Artsinergy Gallery, Bologna, 2006; Extrasistole e Pace maker, DAG Art Gallery, Livorno, 2005; Aria Compressa, Casa Pratesi, Rome, 2002.

Group exhibitions (selection): Materia di studio: 7 artisti internazionali al MACRO per indagare sul colore, MACRO, Rome, 2019; Reciprocal/Reciproco, Multicultural art centre, Melbourne, 2019; Border Crossing, collateral project of Manifesta 12, Palermo, 2018; Mostra-residenza Landina, Museo Tornielli, Ameno (NO), 2018; Marka – Territori di confine, Other Size Gallery, Milan, 2018; De Prospectiva Pingendi, Sala delle Pietre di Palazzo del Popolo / Palazzo del Vignola, Todi (PG), 2018; Dumbo, Centro Studi Didattica delle Arti, Bologna, 2018; I Martedì Critici in mostra – ANNI Zero-2017, Temple University, Rome, 2017; Premio Santa Croce Grafica, Santa Croce sull’Arno (PI), 2016; The Milky Way 2, Studio SALES, Rome, 2015; 48th Premio Vasto Arte Magica, Vasto (CH), 2015; Praestigium contemporary artist from Italy, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, 2015; Double Je. Angelo Bellobono e Aron Demetz, Frank Pages Gallery, Crans Montana (Switzerland), 2013; Under italian eyes, Museum of modern art, Cairo, 2012; Impresa pittura, CIAC, Castello Colonna, Genazzano (RM), 2012; XV Quadriennale di Roma, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, 2008; Experimenta, Collezione Farnesina, Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Rome, 2008; On The Edge of Vision, Victoria memorial hall, Calcutta / National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai / National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, 2006; Art Territory, Centrale Montemartini, Rome, 2006; Premio Celeste, Magazzini del Sale, Siena, 2005.