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Thanks to the Montblanc de la Culture, Arts Patronage Award 2019, Nomas Foundation is pleased to present roma città aperta, a project curated by Raffaella Frascarelli and Sabrina Vedovotto that involves artists who live and work in Rome.

roma città aperta will take place from January 2021 to December 2022, but it should be understood as a process open to the future in which artists open their creative spaces to citizens.

roma città aperta is a prototypical and original model of cultural experience, which can be replicated and re-modulated. The principles underlying the process of roma città aperta are those of cohesion, inclusion, participation and not-for-profit.

roma città aperta would like to bring the public closer to the arts, also involving local associations and actively including Roman municipalities, encouraging exchanges and debates required for the transformation of the city. Usually private places, the studios of the artists open up to be spaces for sharing and participating where the public can discover how artistic research is born and takes shape. Entirely free of charge and non-profit, this process opens up new relational experiences of active citizenship, enhancing the living heritage of contemporary artists. The reference to Roberto Rossellini’s neorealist film suggests the aesthetic and cultural link between a past determined to rebuild Italy after its liberation from Nazi-fascist dictatorship and a present determined to positively redesign the country’s future beyond the present pandemic situation.

roma città aperta is a shared project accessible to the public via a Google Calendar for a whole year. As soon as the DPCM decree-law will allow it, thanks to the collaboration with the local associations and the involvement of the Municipalities, all those who wish to visit the artists’ studios can book their visit by e-mail (rca@nomasfoundation.com) or by phone (06-8639 8381). As per the current DPCM and in accordance with possible future modifications, all visits will respect the adopted norms in all their indications. During the visit you will be able to meet the artist, discover her/his research and artworks, have an immersive experience of art.

roma città aperta would like to build a slow but profound relationship that can grow over time, generating a public, online, permanent and non for-profit archive of artistic research that opens a dialogue with society. In partnership and co-production with Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma and under the supervision of Monkeys VideoLab, a docufilm is dedicated to each artist. All the docufilms, in Italian and with English subtitles, are accessible to the national and international public through the Nomas Foundation’s YouTube channel. The docufilms represent a tool for deepening the research of the artists, giving the audience the possibility to "enter live" in the places where art is produced.
Every Thursday on Nomas Foundation’s YouTube channel you can discover a new docufilm.

roma città aperta along with Lia Fassari, Director of the Research Unit ‘Aesthetics in the Social’, includes meetings, talks, seminars scattered throughout the various municipalities of the city with the involvement of scholars, experts, artists and, above all, citizens.

The artists of roma città aperta are invited by Raffaella Frascarelli and Sabrina Vedovotto.Conceived as an inclusive project, roma città aperta implies that research of new artists will keep on developing throughout the year.

Main Sponsor of roma città aperta
Montblanc de la Culture, Arts Patronage Award 2019

roma città aperta is also a collateral event of Quadriennale d’arte 2020

roma città aperta
Nomas Foundation (Raffaella Frascarelli, Elisa Genovesi, Ilaria Monti, Niccolò Pellegrino, Alessia Bonanni, Delfina Balistreri, Arianna Sera, Julie Pezzali, Sara Gaibotti), Sabrina Vedovotto, Federica Antonucci, Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, Monkeys VideoLab (Simone Valente, Alessio Rucchetta, Valerio Sammartino), Unità di Ricerca Aesthetics in the Social, DiSSe – Sapienza Università di Roma (Lia Fassari), Tools for Culture (Michele Trimarchi)

roma città aperta
January 1st, 2021 – December 31st, 2022
Different venues in Rome

The project is free and it marks the beginning of a new socio-cultural experience of art

to book your visit
Phone booking on Tuesday from 15.00 to 19.00
Ph. 06-86398381

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