Gea Casolaro

Gea Casolaro was born in Rome in 1965. She lives between Rome and Paris.
For over twenty-five years her work has investigated through photography, video, installation and writing, the relationship of humans with images, current events, society and history. Her research aims to activate a permanent dialogue between experiences and people, in order to increase our analysis and knowledge of reality through the points of view of the others.
In 2009, Gea Casolaro was in residence at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris to work on her project Still here on the relationship between photography, cinema and everyday life in the French capital.
In 2013 Gea Casolaro was in residence at the Italian Cultural Institute of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, carrying out a collective work with a group of students of the Alle School of Fine Arts and Design entitled Sharing Gazes. In the same year she carried out two commissioned photographic missions: the first in the Principality of Monaco; the second in Luxembourg at the CNA Centre nationale de l'audiovisuel, where she created a portrait of the complex facets of the country through a mail-art-relational exhibition, entitled Send Me a Postcard, a site aside, inside, in between, away.
In 2015 she was resident at the Italian Cultural Institute in Lima for a participatory art project inspired by the work of the Andean photographer Martín Chambi, with a group of professional and amateur photographers.
In 2016 she was the winning artist of the competition promoted by the Municipality of Casale Monferrato to create a public art monument for the "Eternot Park", born on the site where the Eternit factory stood.
In 2019 she made the permanent installation Arbor Vitae. Giù le armi dalle mani (Tree of life. Weapons off of hands) for the Mufar, Museum of the Weapons Factory of the Royal Bourbon Ironworks in Mongiana, created in collaboration with the students of the Academy of Fine Arts of Catanzaro.
In 2020 she won the Italian Council of the Mibact with her Mare Magnum Nostrum project conceived for the National Museum of Ravenna.
The works of Gea Casolaro are exhibited in numerous public collections in Italy and abroad.

Solo exhibitions (selection): Mare Magnum Nostrum, South-East tower of Diocletian’s Palace, Split, 2020; La poesia dell’impegno, Focus on the film work of Gea Casolaro, MAXXI, Rome, 2019; Molto visibile, troppo invisibile, The Gallery Apart, Rome, 2019; Gea Casolaro, Riflessioni/Reflexões, Italian Institute of Culture, Lisbon, 2019; Nel corpo della città. Mostra diffusa di Gea Casolaro, Museo Laboratorio della mente / Archivio Storico Capitolino / Library of the sports of the National School CONI, Rome, 2018; Gea Casolaro – Con lo sguardo dell’altro, MACRO, Rome, 2017; El tiempo de alzar los ojos, Italian Institute of Culture, Lima, 2015; Still here, The Gallery Apart, Rome, 2013; SEND ME A POSTCARD. A site, aside, inside, in between, away, CNA, Centre National de l’Audiovisuel, Dudelange (Luxembourg), 2013; Forever Montecarlo, The Forbes Galleries, New York, 2013; Sharing Gazes, Italian Institute of Culture, Addis Abeba, 2013; Padiglione Italia nel mondo on the occasion of the 54th Venice Biennale, Italian Institute of Culture, Strasbourg, 2011; Gea Casolaro - South, The Gallery Apart, Rome, 2010; Visioni dell’EUR, C/O Careof - La Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, 2007; Seguendo i fili che formano il tessuto della città, Museo del Tessuto, Prato, 2006; Volver atrás para ir adelante, Teatro India, Rome, 2004; Doppio sguardo, Galleria Estro, Padova, 2003; Gea Casolaro - Wandering 2001, Fondazione Ado Furlan, Pordenone, 2002; Mutamenti+Analogie. Spazi contemporanei a Bolzano e altrove, Centro Culturale Trevi, Bolzano, 2001; Real/Fiction, Galleria Estro, Padua, 2001; Maybe in Sarajevo, Viafarini, Milan, 2000; Maybe in Sarajevo, AR/GE Kunst Galerie Museum, Bolzano, 2000.

Group exhibitions (selection): Resistence & Sensibility. Collezione Donata Pizzi: Women photographers from Italy, FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, Frankfurt, 2020; Resistenza/Resilienza, PAV, Parco Arte Vivente, Turin, 2019; L’altro sguardo, Fotografe italiane 1965-2015, Collezione Donata Pizzi, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, 2018; Contemporary and Future Mediterranean Memories, Fondazione Sambuca, Palermo, 2017; Maxxi Re-evolution – The place to be, works from the collection, MAXXI, Rome, 2017; Artiste al lavoro - Il lavoro delle donne. Capolavori dalle Raccolte d’arte della CGIL, Palazzo della Ragione, Mantua, 2016; L’altro sguardo, Fotografe italiane 1965-2015, Collezione Donata Pizzi, Palazzo della Triennale, Milan, 2016; Arte pubblica per il Parco Eternot, esposizione dei cinque progetti finalisti, Castello Gonzaga, Casale Monferrato, 2016; Ritratto di una città #2. Arte a Roma 1960 – 2001, MACRO, Rome, 2013; Heart to Heart. From Rome to Addis, Visual Conversation Between Rome and Addis Ababa, National Theatre Gallery, Addis Abeba, 2013; Omaggio a Graziella Lonardi Buontempo, PAN, Naples, 2011; Viafarini DOCVA at No Soul For Sale – a festival of independents, Turbine hall, Tate Modern, London, 2010; Piazze di Roma, Moca - Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai, 2010; 1988: vent'anni prima, vent'anni dopo, Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, 2008; Collezione Farnesina Experimenta, Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Palazzo della Farnesina, Rome, 2008; XV Quadriennale di Roma, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, 2008; On the edge of vision. New idioms in Indian & Italian contemporary art, Victoria Memorial Hall, Calcutta, / National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi / National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai, 2007; Italia, 1946 - 2006. Dalla Ricostruzione al Nuovo Millennio, J.D. Carrier Art Gallery, Columbus Centre, Toronto, 2006; Ti voglio bene, From Italy with love, Raid Projects Gallery, Los Angeles, 2005; Retentiva - Funzioni e disfunzioni della fotografia italiana attuale, Italy Pavillion, Giardini di Castello, Venice, 2004; XIV Quadriennale, Anteprima Napoli, Palazzo Reale, Naples, 2003; Exit. Nuove geografie della creatività italiana, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, 2002; Gemine Muse, Musei Civici agli Eremitani, Padova, 2001; Fuori di qui, Austrian Institute of Culture, Rome, 2000; Biennale dei giovani Artisti dell'Europa e del Mediterraneo (Spazio Sarajevo), Ex-Mattatoio, Rome, 1999; Corporea. Art drome, Castello di Rivara, Rivara (TO), 1999; Time, Space and Architecture. Fotographie und Architektur, Galerie Markus Richter, Potsdam, 1998.