Stefano Canto

Stefano Canto was born in Rome in 1974. He lives and works in Rome.
He graduated in Architecture in 2003. His works are conveyed through the poetry of the ‘place’ and through the social themes that reside in the relationship between man and architecture.
Canto states: “My artistic research started from the observation of what surrounds me; a polymorphous, polisemantic and complex reality composed of a multitude of elements – each with their own identity, symbolic, communicative and evocative traits – in constant dialogue with each other”. Sculpture and site specific installations are the main artistic expressions for Canto, who frequently focuses on the use of selected materials sourced from the world of construction – such as cement – placed in dialogue with elements found at the opposite end of the spectrum, such as water, ice, plants and organic elements.
In 2005 Stefano Canto won the Roma Prize and in 2009 the second edition of the Terna Prize.

Solo exhibitions (selection): Column, Galleria L’ascensore, Palermo, 2019; Polisidro, Spazio Gamma, Milan, 2018; Sotto l’influenza del Fiume. Sedimento, Galleria Matèria, Rome, 2018; Berenice. Sedimento, Label201, Creature Festival, Rome, 2017; Concrete Archive, Galleria Matèria, Rome, 2016; Sacrosanctum, Oratorio di S. Mercurio, Palermo, 2015; All That Fall, Museo RISO, Palermo, 2014; Open Studio, N38E13 Space, Palermo, 2014; Selbstbewegung, Corpo 6 Gallery, Berlin, 2012; Stato Vegetale, Galleria Romberg, Rome, 2009; Focus on the environment, Studio Fontaine, Viterbo, 2009; Stefano Canto, Galleria Romberg, Latina, 2006.

Group exhibitions (selections): From Discipline to Holobiont, Festival biodiversità, parco nord Milan, 2020; Politics of Dissonance, Manifesta 12, evento collaterale, Palermo, 2018; Dialogue, Galleria Matèria, Studio Frontiera, Palermo, 2018; To Keep at Bay, Galleria Bianconi, Milan, 2018; Passeggiate Fotografiche romane, Pastificio Cerere, Rome, 2017; Pop-up, Galleria Matèria Oslo, 2017; Contrappesi, Studio California, Milan, 2017; Les temoins de l’invisible, Dakar Biennale, Dakar, 2016; Home-Less, Artq13 Space, Rome, 2016; Archeologia dell’effimero, Viafarini, Milan, 2016; Sirens Songs and Beyond, on the occasion of 6pm your local time Europe, Label201, Rome, 2015; Dirty Windows, Label201, Rome, 2015; On Landscape 2, Galleria Matèria, Rome, 2015; Dislodging the silence: public art intervening in Mussolini’s foro Italico, American Academy in Rome, Rome, 2015; Janela. Migrating Forms and Migrating Gods, MOG Museum of Goa, Kochi Muziris Biennale, Kochi (India), 2015; Affinità Elettive, Label201, Rome, 2014; Schwarzer Hund, Corpo 6 Gallery, Berlin, 2013; Recovery, Triennial Milan, Milan, 2013; Come Avanguardie di un altro Sistema Solare, Dimora Artica, Milan, 2013; Access Landscape Access, N38E13 Space, Palermo, 2013; The stones are my idea of imagination, Museo del Marmo, Carrara, 2013; In The Meanwhile, BT'F Art Gallery, Bologna, 2012; Connect the dots (and see the unseen), MACRO, Rome, 2012; Quest, Casa delle Letterature, Oratorio dei Filippini, Rome, 2011; 1..,2..,3.., Stella, Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna, Spoleto (PG), 2011; La Costante Cosmologica, Fondazione Rocco Guglielmo, Catanzaro, 2011; Bachem-Natter Happy-Christmas, Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna, Spoleto (PG), 2010; Grand Exhibition of selected paintings of Chinese, Italian and International Artist, Wison Art Center, Shanghai, 2010; Contemporary Energy. Italian Attitudes, SUPEC, Shanghai, 2010; Superfici mai superficiali, Castello di Pizzoli, L’Aquila, 2007; Non sono quello che sono, Istituto Superiore Antincendio, Rome, 2006.